- Abbott, William - Co G. 81st Infantry
- Addison, Joel E. - Co G, 9th Infantry
- Affleck, Albert F. - Co A, 9th Infantry
- Albright, Homer P. - Co D, 152nd Infantry
- Alden, Charles Smith - Co H, 32nd Infantry
- Alden, John Harvey - Co H, 32nd Infantry
- Allen, Frank H. - Co B, 22nd Infantry
- Allen, Stephen - Co L, 2nd Cavalry
- Allinson, A. C. - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Ames, Luther Stearns - Co H, 64th Infantry
- Anderson, John - Co K, 60th Infantry
- Anderson, Milton - Co G, 124th Infantry
- Andrews, T. H., Captain - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Archibald, James W. - 5th Cavalry
- Arter, William D. - Co D, 12th Cavalry
- Askey, William - Co I, 47th Infantry
- Atkins, F. D. - 48th U.S.C.G.
- Atkins, Smith D. - Col., 92nd Infantry
- Atteberry, Albert - 108th Infantry
- Ausbrook, John M. - Co A. 98th Infantry
- Bacon, Henry M. - Co G, 95th Infantry
- Bailey, Elijah Riley - Co I, 123rd Infantry
- Bailey, Henry James - Co I, 123rd Infantry
- Baker, Allen Humes - Co D, 40th Infantry
- Baker, Fletcher D. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Baker, John Riley - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Banks, Nathaniel P. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Barber, Philip Dennis - Co A, 80th Infantry
- Bardwell, Silas Washington - Co E, 26th Infantry
- Barker, Abiel M. - Co C, 32nd Infantry
- Barnes, John, Sr. - Co C, 91st Infantry
- Barnes, John W. - 118th Infantry
- Barnes, Thomas J. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Barr, Josiah N. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Barrett, Samuel - Captain, Battery B, 1st Artillery
- Baxter, Charles A. - Co B, 8th Cavalry
- Beals, R. F., Lt. - Co I, 102nd Infantry
- Bean, George W., Captain - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Beavers, Joseph M. - Co C, 56th Infantry
- Beezley, Joseph - 118th Infantry
- Behymer, Finley - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Bice, Arthur F. - 10th Infantry
- Biddle, A. W. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Bidleman, David - 47th Infantry, Reorganized
- Birch, Albert W. - Co D, 8th Infantry
- Bivans, Robert - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Blalock, Nelson G. - Surgeon, 115th Infantry
- Blanden, Leander - Colonel, 95th Infantry
- Blott, Jonathan - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Boardman, Joseph - Co F, 57th Infantry
- Bodishbaugh, Frederick - Co B, 60th Infantry
- Boger, Andrew - Co E, 102nd Infantry
- Bohanan, A. N. - Co A, 60th Infantry
- Boon, Eli - Co I, 98th Infantry
- Booth, Burwell - Co C, 138th Infantry
- Boston, James - Co F, 53rd Infantry
- Bowman, James Henry - Co D, 47th Infantry
- Bowzer, Philip M. - Co F, 2nd Cavalry
- Boyden, Daniel - Co B, 73rd Infantry
- Boyer Brothers - Co D, 3rd Cavalry
- Boyle, John - Cos A, 12th/127th Infantries
- Bradshaw, D. W. - Co D, 7th Cavalry
- Branson, Silas Jasper - Co K, 49th Infantry
- Brashares, Marion - Co E, 5th Cavalry
- Breeden, Charles M. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Bremner, D. F. - 19th Infantry
- Brewer, Alonzo John - Co D, 77th Infantry
- Briggs, George Sylvester - Co I, 15th Infantry
- Broderick, Martin - Co D, 64th Infantry
- Brooks, Truman - Unknown Regiment
- Broughton, Samuel - Co I, 21st Infantry
- Brown, Alexander H. - Co C, 152nd Infantry
- Brown, Dwight A. - Co M, 4th Cavalry
- Brown, Elisha Kirk - Co A, 112th Infantry
- Brown, John - Co L, 2nd Cavalry
- Brown, John Christy - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Brown, John James - Co E, 51st Infantry
- Brown, Lucian B. - 113th Infantry
- Brown, Nicholas - Co A, 5th Cavalry
- Brown, Thomas G. - Co E, 102nd Infantry
- Brown, Thomas R. - Co K, 37th Infantry
- Brown, William - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Brown, William B. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Brown, William Jasper - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Bryant, Allen - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Bunnell, Levi - Co E, 33rd Infantry
- Burkhalter, James L., Capt. - 86th Infantry
- Burnell, Aurelius - Co D, 2nd Cavalry
- Burton, Daniel - Co E, 14/15th Infantry
- Busch, John G. - Co E, 16th Cavalry
- Bute, Cyrus - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Butts, Mike - Co C, 61st Infantry
- Calhoun, William A. - Cos A & D, 19th Infantry
- Callicott, John A. - Co C, 29th Infantry
- Campbell, A. A. - Co I, 7th Infantry
- Cameron, James C. - Co A, 64th Infantry
- Carrico, Samuel T. - Co B, 61st Infantry
- Carrin, John B. - Co E, 130th Infantry
- Carroll, William H. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Carter, Marion V. - Co B, 125th Infantry
- Cary, Daniel William - Co E, 15th Infantry
- Cary, John Franklin - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Cashier, Albert D. J. (female) - Co G, 95th Infantry
- Cassell, John - Musician, 107th Infantry
- Cawn, Luther R. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Chapman, James A., Captain - Co B, 16th Infantry
- Cheney, Allison W. - Co B, 30th Infantry
- Cheney, John T. - Major, 1st Artillery
- Chetlain, Augustus Louis - Col., 12th Infantry
- Chew, Andred Bennett - Co H, 27th Infantry
- Clark, Darwin I. - Henshaw's Independent Battery, Light Artillery
- Clark, Davis M. - Co A, 83rd Infantry
- Clark, James H. - Co D, 112th Infantry
- Clark, William - Co B, 10th Infantry
- Clay, H. H., Major - 102nd Infantry
- Clayton, John - Co L, 2nd Cavalry
- Clements, Gustavus A. - Co B, 18th Infantry
- Clements, Philip - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Clodfelter, Allen - Co C, 115th Infantry
- Clower, John Cox - Co I, 73rd Infantry
- Cochran, John - 118th Infantry
- Collins, Albert W. - Co D, 152nd Infantry
- Colon, William - Co A, 3rd Cavalry
- Company Photo - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Company Photo - Co G, 27th Infantry
- Company Photo - Co C, 84th Infantry
- Condrey, David Zenner - Co D, 98th Infantry
- Conkey, Aubert J. - Co K, 133rd Infantry
- Conrad, John H. - Co G, 38th Infantry
- Cook, Henry - 108th Infantry
- Cooper, James Monroe - 81st Infantry
- Cope, Charles - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Copple, John William - 11th Infantry
- Cornelius, Henry - Co G, 154th Infantry
- Coulter, William J. - Co I, 126th Infantry
- Courtney, James Pleasant - Co C, 60th Infantry
- Courtright, Cyrenius Smith - Co F, 13th Infantry
- Covert, John H. - Co G, 130th Infantry
- Covey, Israel Palmer - Co B, 44th Infantry
- Cowgill, Christian D. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Cowgill, Edward D. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Cox, John Jasper - Co F, 1st Artillery
- Coy, Samuel - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Crain, William W. - Cos A & F, 2nd Cavalry
- Crawford, Monroe C. - 110th Infantry
- Cressler, Alfred E. - Cos B, 45th Illinois Infantry
- Cromwell, Robert - Co A, 10th Infantry
- Crosby, George W. - Co A, 102nd Infantry
- Cunningham, William - Co K, 59th Infantry
- Cusick, Harrison H. - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Custer, Samuel M. - 1st Lt, Co F, 26th Infantry
- Custer, William Clayton - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Cutting, Charles W. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Dace, Michael - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Daggett, Nathaniel L. - Co D, 59th Infantry
- Darmer, John O. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Daugherty, Abram D. - Capt., 12th Infantry
- Davidson, William A. - 108th Infantry
- Davis, George F. - Co A, 29th Infantry
- Davis, Levi, 1st Lt. - Co G, 97th Infantry
- Davis, Napoleon - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Debord, John Wesley - Co A, 37th Infantry
- Deedrich, Augustus - Co D, 20th Infantry
- Delano, Sterling P. - Co L, 2nd Cavalry
- Dement, Austin S. - Co B, 2nd Cavalry
- DeMott, Thomas H. - Co E, 108th Infantry
- Dennis, Thomas - Co A, 112th Infantry
- Deyo, Abraham - Co B, 112th Infantry
- Dickerman, O. A. - Captain, 44th Infantry
- Dickey, Theophilus L., Col. - 4th Cavalry
- Dickson, William Allen - Co E, 31st Infantry
- Dickson, William Allen - Co H, 71st Infantry
- Dicus, George W. - Co H, 104th Infantry
- Dilworth, Emmor - Co B, 84th Infantry
- Dilworth, Harvey - Co B, 84th Infantry
- Dir, Joseph - Co D, 64th Infantry
- Distler, Johannes Paulus (Paul) - HQ, 11th Cavalry
- Distler, Johannes Paulus (Paul) - Co B, 14th Cavalry
- Dixon, Elisha - Co K, 47th Infantry
- Dolton, George E. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Donohoo, Robert B. - Co C, 11th Infantry
- Doolittle, Whitmore - Co B, 64th Infantry
- Doty, Henry A., Jr. - Co E, 104th Infantry
- Doty, John S. H. - 11th and 104th Infantries
- Dove, John, Brevet Major - Co G, 115th Infantry
- Downes, Amos W. - Co F, 49th Infantry
- Downs, William A. - Co B, 5th Cavalry
- Drake, Robert P. - Co K, 59th Infantry
- Drake, William C. - Co K, 59th Infantry
- Ducat, Arthur Charles - Lt. Col. 12th Infantry
- Duckworth, Aaron (Henry) - Co F, 15th Cav. & Co I, 10th Cavalry
- Duffy, William M. - 108th Infantry
- Dumas, Martin Thomas - Co K, 10th Infantry
- Dunn, John - Co A, 92nd Infantry
- Durant, Edward T, Lt. - Co B, 33rd Infantry
- Durfee, Samuel S. - Co I, 13th Cavalry
- Dutton, George H. - Co H, 9th Cavalry
- Edmonds, Joseph R. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Eells, George Waterman - Co D, 42nd Infantry
- Eells, Simeon Levi - Cos E & H, 15th Infantry; Co I, 147th Infantry
- Eller, G. W. - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Elliott, Isaac, Lt. Col. - 33rd Infantry
- Ellsworth, William C. - Unknown Co, 2nd Cavalry
- Emerson, Edward L. - Dr., Co C, 102nd Infantry
- Emmons, James - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- England, D. A. - Co K, 115th Infantry
- Erwin, Lew - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Espy, S. Barlow, Capt. - Co G, 115th Infantry
- Evans, William - 118th Infantry
- Fellows, Albert N. - Co I, 38th Infantry
- Fellows, Charles - Co B, 75th Infantry
- Ferguson, Alexander - Co A, 113th Infantry
- Ferguson, J. W. - Co A, 60th Infantry
- Ferguson, Thomas, Co I, 122nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry
- Fersman, H. C. - 108th Infantry
- Finkbine, Tobias - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Fisher, Thomas B. - Co H, 11th Infantry
- Fleming, William Alexander - 151st Infantry
- Fleming, William Alexander - 2nd Cavalry
- Florey, Andrew Jackson - Co A, 8th Infantry
- Flynn, Thomas - Co E, 9th Cavalry
- Follett, John M., Lt. - Co H, 33rd Infantry
- Fortney, Henry - 118th Infantry
- Foss, Charles Behrends - Co K, 114th Infantry
- Fowler, John - Cos. A & E, 130th Infantry
- Frane, Jacob - Co K, 92nd Infantry
- Frane, John - Co D, 39th Infantry
- Franks, William - 108th Infantry
- Freeman, George Thurman - Co H, 95th Infantry
- Fritz, Dexter - Co H, 152nd Infantry
- Gallagher, Thomas C. - Co K, 21st Infantry
- Gammon, Charles D. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Gardner, Benjamin F. - Co E, 14/15th Infantry
- Garratt, Lyman D. - Quartermaster, 152nd Infantry
- Gates, F. W. - Co K, 115th Infantry
- Gatlin, Isaac - 89th Infantry
- Geddes, Cyrus - 118th Infantry
- Gilbert, Watson Harper - Co A, 42nd Infantry
- Gilhousen, Fred S. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Gilhousen, William Henry - Co A, 21st Infantry
- Gill, Joseph - 118th Infantry
- Goodyear, Ezra - 8th Cavalry
- Gore, John - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Gore, Joseph - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Gore, William F. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Graham, Americus - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Graney, ? - Co A, 60th Infantry
- Grant, H. Ulysses S.
- Grass, Daniel - Co H, 61st Infantry
- Gray, James C. - Co B, 147th Infantry
- Greenwalt, Bradley - Co L, 16th Cavalry
- Gresham, Archibald C. - Co D, 22nd Infantry
- Grierson, Benjamin - General, 6th Cavalry
- Grisham, J. M. - 108th Infantry
- Griswold, George - Co A, 61st Infantry
- Grossarth, John Philip - Co K, 63rd Infantry
- Guard, Charles Campbell, Dr. - 29th Infantry
- Gue, G. W. - 108th Infantry
- Hall, George P. - 108th Infantry
- Hall, Levi W. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Halstead, Charles H. - Co A, 52nd Infantry
- Hamilton, Elisha - 118th Infantry
- Hammond, Edwin O. - Co D, 45th Infantry
- Hamor, Nat - Co C, 102nd Infantry
- Hanaford, Frank E. - Co E, 14/15th Infantry
- Hanan, Jesse, Captain - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Hanover, R. - 108th Infantry
- Harding, George. - Co E, 97th Infantry
- Harding, James E. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Harding, Pyrrhus - Co E, 97th Infantry
- Harrington, Samuel - Co A, 6th Cavalry
- Harrington, William R. - Co A, 116th Infantry
- Harry, Martin M. - Co I, 16th Cavalry
- Harter, George S. - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Harvey, Joseph D. - Co G, 76th Infantry
- Hawkins, Albert
- Hay, Henry S. - Unknown Co, 2nd Cavalry
- Hays, Frank L., Major - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Hazelton, William C., 2nd Lt. - Co A, 8th Cavalry
- Heeden, John - 5th Cavalry
- Heer, David - Co F, 7th Cavalry
- Heer, Peter - Unknown
- Henderson, Uriah H. - Co B, 46th Infantry
- Henigan/Hannagan, James - Co K, 53rd Infantry
- Henley, Lapsley Campbell, Co B, 7th Infantry
- Henley, Thomas Duncan Patrick - 123rd Infantry
- Henry, William G. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Herron, Wesley Clark - Co C, 84th Infantry
- Hewitt, Eli Martin - 125th Infantry
- Higgins, James - Co K, 123rd Infantry
- Higgins, Orlando L. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Higgins, Silas C. - Co I, 2nd Cavalry
- Hiner, Isaac - Co I, 146th Infanatry
- Hinton, John Henry - Co G, 140th Infantry
- Hixson, William Oscar - Co B, 64th Infantry
- Hoffses, John - 5th Cavalry
- Holding, James G. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Holding, Richard - Chaplain, 115th Infantry
- Holding, Robert S. - Co B, 115th Infantry
- Holland, D. V. B. - 108th Infantry
- Holt, Joseph - Unknown CSA Regiment
- Holt, Martin Sidney - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Hood, Samuel B. - Co I, 22nd Infantry
- Hoover, Samuel Henry - Co F, 94th Infantry
- Hotaling, John R. - Co B, 2nd Cavalry
- Hotaling, John R., Major - Army of Cumberland
- Howard, ? - Co H, 20th Infantry
- Howard, Philip J. - Co A, 29th Infantry
- Howes, Edwin - Co K, 20th Infantry
- Huff, Robert E. - Co G, 47th Infantry
- Hulett, Joseph - Co F, 129th Infantry
- Humphrey, Thomas W. - Colonel, 95th Infantry
- Humrichouser, Isaiah - Co C, 25th Infantry
- Hunt, John T. - Co A, 40th Infantry
- Hurlbut, Elisha - Co A, 11th Infantry
- Hurlbut, Wils - Co G, 47th Infantry
- Hurst, Bennet - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Hurst, Elijah Thompson - Co F, 20th Infantry
- Hurst, Thomas - 118th Infantry
- Hurst, William L. - Co E, 115th Infantry
- Huston, Robert G. - 118th Infantry
- Hyers, R. W. - Co B, 108th Infantry
- Hymer, Samuel - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Hymer, Samuel, Captain - Co D, 115th Infantry
- Hyre, Jonathan - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Irvine, Abraham - Co E, 76th Infantry
- Izatt, John S. - Co H, 72nd Infantry
- Ives, Norman - Unknown
- James, John G. - Unknown
- James, John G. - Co B, 57th Infantry
- Janes, John A. - Co D, 151st Infantry
- Jarrett, John F. - Co B, 40th Infantry
- Jarvis, David - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Jay, Alvah - Co G, 102nd Infantry
- Jerome, Charles W. - Quartermaster, 115th Infantry
- Johnson, James A. - Co A, 40th Infantry
- Jones, Drury Allen - Co F, 49th Infantry
- Jones, George W. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Jones, Jeff - Co F, 10th Infantry
- Jones, Owen R. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Jones, Sam - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Jones, Sanders William - Co A, 118th Infantry
- Jordan, Byron - Lt., Co C, 102nd Infantry
- Judge, Pat - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Kain, William A. - Co E, 104th Infantry
- Kaufman, M. S. - Co F, 115th Infantry
- Keep, Horatio N. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Keith, Levi Parks - Co H, 10th Cavalry
- Kempf, John - Co M, 1st Artillery
- Kennerly, Isaac P. - Co K, 124th Infantry
- Kesler, Mathias - Co B, 104th Infantry
- King, James T. - Unknown Co, 115th Infantry
- Kinman, C. L. - Captain, Co I, 115th Infantry
- Kinman, Newton B. - Co I, 115th Infantry
- Kinman, William - Lt. Col., 115th Infantry
- Kirkbride, A. B. - Co H, 3rd Cavalry
- Kiser, H. - Co F, 26th Infantry
- Kramp, Fritz
- Krater, John K. - 108th Infantry
- Kruger, Edward H. - Co H, 86th Infantry
- Lane, Charles - Co B, 64th Infantry
- Lane, John - Co E, 115th Infanatry
- Lane, John E. - Co A, 16th Infantry
- Langley, James W. - 125th Infantry
- Langley, Thomas J. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Langston, Joseph - Co F, 93rd Infantry
- Lapham, John W. - Major, 115th Infantry
- Large, George G. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- Larimer, John A. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Lascell, Andrew - Co E, 14/15th Infantry
- Lawler, Michael K. - 18th Infantry
- Lawrence, L. A., Lt. - Co H, 102nd Infantry
- Layman, Jacob G. - 118th Infantry
- Layman, John H. - 118th Infantry
- Lee, Lemuel S. - Co H, 8th Infantry
- Leeper, Alfred B. - Co A, 115th Infantry
- LeFevre, Samuel - Co K, 76th Infantry
- Levick, Benjamin P. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Lewis, A. E. - 73rd Infantry
- Lewis, Edward J., Capt. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Lewis, Merritt, Co E, 51st Infantry
- Leonard, Henry F. - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Lindquist, Charles - Co C, 42nd Infantry
- Lindsey, Henry - Co I, 95th Infantry
- Lindsay, Thomas - Co F, 95th Infantry
- Litsenberger, Allen - Adjutant and Lt., 115th Infantry
- Lloyd, David - Co K, 93rd Infantry
- Lloyd, George - Co B, 52nd Infantry
- Loar, Erasmus R. - Co C, 3rd Cavalry
- Logan, James E. - 118th Infantry
- Logan, thomas - 118th Infantry
- Long, William J. - Co D, 73rd Infantry
- Lott, Jonathan B. - Co C, 33rd Infantry
- Lowry, Ross - Co H, 2nd Cavalry
- Lucas, Robert B., Capt. - Co D, 118th Infantry
- Ludley, Joe - Co F, 45th Infantry
- Luther, Martin Van Buren - Co F & C, 13th Cavalry
- Lutz, Charles H. - Co A, 11th Infantry