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Photo Album of Illinois Civil War Soldiers

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George P. Hall - 108th Infantry

Levi W. Hall - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

Private Charles H. Halstead & Unknown - Co A, 52nd Illinois Infantry

Elisha B. Hamilton - 118th Infantry

Edwin O. Hammond - Co D, 45th Illinois Infantry

Nat Hamor - Co C, 102nd Infantry

Daniel Burton, Frank E. Hanaford, Andrew Lascell, Marvin Sheldon, Benjamin F. Gardner - Co E, 14/15th Illinois Infantry

Captain Jesse Hanon - Co A, 115th Infantry

R. Hanover - 108th Infantry

George Columbus Harding - Co E, 97th Infantry

James E. Harding - Co M, 1st Light Artillery

Pyrrhus Woodward Harding - Co E, 97th Infantry

Samuel Harrington - Co A, 6th Cavalry

William R. Harrington - Co A, 116th Illinois Infantry

Sgt. Martin M. Harry - Co I, 16th Illinois Cavalry

George S. Harter - Co M, 1st Light Artillery

Joseph D. Harvey - Co G, 76th Infantry

Albert Hawkins

William C. Hazelton - Co A, 8th Cavalry

Henry S. Hay - Unknown Co, 2nd Cavalry


Major Frank L. Hays - Co F, 115th Infantry

John Heeden - 5th Illinois Cavalry

David H. Heer - Co F, 7th Cavalry

Peter Heer - Unknown Regiment

Uriah H Henderson - Co B, 46th Illinois Infantry

James Henigan/Hannagan - Co K, 53rd Infantry

Lapsley Campbell Henley - Co B, 7th Illinois Infantry

Thomas Duncan Patrick Henley - 123rd Illinois Infantry

William G. Henry - Co E, 115th Infantry

Wesley Clark Herron - Co C, 84th Infantry

Eli Martin Hewitt - 125th Infantry

James Higgins - Co K, 123rd Infantry

Orlando L. Higgins - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry


Capt. Silas S. Higgins - Co I, 2nd Cavalry

John Henry Hinton - Co G, 140th Illinois Infantry

William Oscar Hixson - 64th Illinois Infantry

Isaac Hiner - Co I, 146th Infantry

John Hoffses - 5th Illinois Cavalry

James G. Holding - Co B, 115th Infantry

Chaplain Richard Holding - 115th Infantry

Robert S. Holding - Co B, 115th Infantry

D. V. B. Holland - 108th Infantry

Joseph Holt - Unknown CSA Regiment

Martin Sidney Holt - Co C, 42nd Infantry

Capt. Samuel B. Hood - Co I, 22nd Illinois Infantry

Samuel Henry Hoover - Co F, 94th Infantry


Major John R. Hotaling Co A & B, Army of the Cumberland, 2nd Cavalry (formerly Capt. with Co A - 2nd Cavalry)

Private Howard - Co H, 20th Infantry

Capt. Philip J. Howard - Co A, 29th Illinois Infantry

Edwin Howes - Co K, 20th Illinois Infantry

Robert E. Huff - Co G, 47th Illinois Infantry

Joseph Hulett - Co F, 129th Illinois Infantry

Thomas W. Humphrey - Colonel, 95th Infantry

Isaiah Humrichouser - Co C, 25th Infantry

Dr. John T. Hunt - Co A, 40th Illinois Infantry

Elisha Hurlbut - Co A, 11th Infantry

Sergeant Wils Hurlbut - Co G, 47th Illinois Infantry

Bennet Hurst - Co E, 115th Infantry

Elijah Thompson Hurst - Co F, 20th Illinois Infantry

Thomas Hurst - 118th Infantry

William L. Hurst - Co E, 115th Infantry

Robert G. Huston - 118th Infantry

R. W. Hyers - Co B, 108th Illinois Infantry


Captain Samuel Hymer (later Brevet Major) - Co D, 115th Infantry

Jonathan Hyre - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry


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For corrections or additions, please contact Special Project Coordinator: Kimberly Morgan

Last Edited: 14 Mar 2025

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