William A. Calhoun - Cos A and D, 19th Illinois

Lt. Colonel John A. Callicott - Co C, 29th Illinois

A. A. Campbell
Company I, 7th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

James C. Cameron - Co A, 64th Infantry

Lt. Samuel T. Carrico - Co B, 61st Illinois Infantry

John B. Carrin - Co E, 130th Illinois Infantry

William H. Carroll - Co B, 115th Infantry

Marion V. Carter - Co B, 125th Illinois Infantry

Daniel William Cary - Cos E, F, 14/15th Illinois Infantry

John F. Cary - Co I, 95th Illinois Infantry

Albert D. J. Cashier (female) - Co G, 95th Illinois Infantry

John Cassell - Musician, 107th Infantry

Luther R. Cawn - Co C, 42nd Illinois Infantry

James A. Chapman - Co B, 16th Infantry

Allison W. Cheney - Co B, 30th Infantry

Major John T. Cheney - 1st Light Artillery

Col. Augustus Louis Chetlain - 12th Infantry

Andrew Bennett Chew - Co H, 27th Illinois Infantry and Co G, 9th Illinois Infantry

Darwin I. Clark - Henshaw's Independent Battery, Light Artillery

1st Lieutenant Davis M. Clark - Co A, 83rd Illinois

James H. Clark - Co D, 112th Infantry

William Clark - Co B, 10th Infantry

H. H. Clay - Major, 102nd Infantry

Capt. John Clayton - Co L, 2nd Cavalry

Gustavus A. Clements - Co B, 18th Illinois Infantry

Philip Clements - Co E, 115th Infantry

Allen Clodfelter - Co C, 115th Infantry

John Cox Clower - Unknown Company and Regiment

John Cochran - 118th Infantry

Albert W. Collins - Co D, 152nd Infantry

William Colon - Co. A, 3rd Illinois Cavalry
David Zenner Condrey - Co D, 98th Infantry

Aubert J. Conkey - Co K, 133rd Infantry

John H. Conrad - Co G, 38th Illinois Infantry

Henry Cook - 108th Infantry

James Monroe Cooper - 81st Illinois Infantry

Charles Cope - Co M, 1st Light Artillery

John William Copple - 11th Infantry

Henry Cornelius - Co G, 154th Infantry

William J. Coulter - Co I, 126th Illinois Infantry

James Pleasant Courtney - Co C, 60th Infantry

Cyrenius Smith Courtright - Co F, 13th Infantry

John H. Covert - Co G, 130th Infantry

1st Lt. Israel Palmer Covey - Co B, 44th Infantry

Christian D. Cowgill - Co A, 115th Infantry

Edward D. Cowgill - Co A, 115th Infantry

John Jasper Cox - Co F, 1st Illinois Light Artillery

Samuel Coy - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry

William W. Crain - Cos F and A, 2nd Illinois Cavalry

Lt. Colonel Monroe C. Crawford - 110th Illinois Infantry
Alfred E. Cressler B Company, 45th Illinois Infantry

Robert Cromwell - Co A, 10th Illinois Infantry

George W. Crosby - Co A, 102nd Illinois Infantry

William Cunningham - Co K, 59th Infantry

Harrison H. Cusick - Co F, 26th Infantry

Samuel M. Custer - 1st Lt., Co F, 26th Infantry

William Clayton Custer - Co F, 26th Infantry

Charles W. Cutting - Co C, 33rd Illinois Infantry